The first automatic sprinkler systems were installed in 1852 in the thread mills in New England but still required some human intervention to open the water supply valves. In 1874, Henry S. Parmalee installed the first completely automatic system in his piano factory in Connecticut. In 1881, Frederick Grinnell improved on the sprinkler developed by Parmelee and obtained a patent for his system. Grinnell sprinklers are still sold today.
Given the proven efficacy of automatic sprinkler systems, installations have skyrocketed across North America. In Québec, the Corporation of Master Fire Protection Contractors was formed in 1964.
The CMEICI’s mission is to represent fire protection contractors in Québec, in order to inform them of legal requirements, determine, maintain and, where applicable, improve professional standards, as well as regulate the professional conduct of its members and promote their common interests.
determine, maintain and, where applicable, improve professional standards
Hence why the CMEICI has a duty to protect the identity of a highly specialized trade, and why it requires its members to adhere to the highest standards in the design and installation of fire protection systems.
To this end, the CMEICI works with other stakeholders, such as the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ), the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ), and the Regroupement des corporations et associations d’entrepreneurs spécialisés de l’industrie de la construction du Québec (RCAESICQ), in the aim of preventing loss of life and limiting property damage from fires in the places where Québecers work, live and play.
See also : Our ongoing files